DeepStream SDK on NVIDIA Jetson
What is DeepStream SDK?
Build and deploy AI-powered Intelligent Video Analytics apps and services. DeepStream offers a multi-platform scalable framework with TLS security to deploy on the edge and connect to any cloud.
- Develop in C/C++ or Python
- Built for scalability - one application for NVIDIA T4 and Jetson platforms
- Highest throughput for object detection, image classification and semantic segmentation models
- Deploy models in native DL frameworks such as Pytorch and TensorFlow for inference
- IoT integration interface with Kafka, MQTT and AMQP
- Turnkey integration with AWS IoT and Microsoft Azure IoT
- Multi-GPU, multi-stream and batching support for high throughput inference
Why do we use DeepStream SDK?
Install DeepStream SDK
Sample Python Applications
We currently provide the following sample applications:
- deepstream-test1 -- 4-class object detection pipeline
- deepstream-test2 -- 4-class object detection, tracking and attribute classification pipeline
- deepstream-test3 -- multi-stream pipeline performing 4-class object detection
- deepstream-test4 -- msgbroker for sending analytics results to the cloud
- deepstream-imagedata-multistream -- multi-stream pipeline with access to image buffers
- deepstream-ssd-parser -- SSD model inference via Triton server with output parsing in Python
- deepstream-test1-usbcam -- deepstream-test1 pipeline with USB camera input
- deepstream-test1-rtsp-out -- deepstream-test1 pipeline with RTSP output
Detailed application information is provided in each application's subdirectory under apps.
deepstream-test1 python
In this sample, we first create one instance of "nvinfer", referred as the pgie. This is our 4 class detector and it detects for "Vehicle , RoadSign, TwoWheeler, Person".
Run Linux Command
jetson@nano:~/deepstream_python_apps/apps/deepstream-test1$ python /home/jetson/Videos/streams/sample_720p.h264
TEST on NVIDIA Jetson Nano
• Jetpack SDK 4.5.1 • DeepStream SDK 5.1 • Python 3.6.9 • CUDA 10.2.89 • TensorRT 7.1.3 • Machine Learning Model : ResNet10 backbone ( FP16 ) • Video 1200x720 H.264
Python Source code
Performance Compare